CD / Copywriter
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Brandman University


Brandman University


Build Your Brand Campaign

In this campaign, we focused on the real life success stories of students who had attended and graduated from Brandman University and gone on to achieve further success in their careers and businesses. The overarching theme line was that you can build your own personal brand at Brandman University. We introduced the campaign with the spot below, and created documentary-style videos of real Brandman students which ran online and in 30-second cutdowns on TV.


Move Up Campaign


When we first started working with Brandman University, news was coming out about how for-profit universities were taking advantage of students by delivering questionable educational quality while padding their bottom lines with federal loan money. So we positioned Brandman, a not-for-profit university, as the alternative to for-profit universities. A place where you can attain a top rate education while still enjoying the convenience of online classes and advanced programs and services. We also focused on Brandman’s high graduation rates and multiple honors from US News and World Report.


Competency Based Education video


This video was created to introduce Brandman’s competency based education program. We didn’t have the budget for a live shoot, so we developed this animated piece as a fun and friendly way to explain Competency Based Education, which was a brand-new concept at the time.