CD / Copywriter

Coldwell Banker


Coldwell Banker


When we first started working on Coldwell Banker Real Estate, it was the aftermath of the housing crisis of 2008-2011. People were reluctant to purchase a house, mainly because of the fear of said house losing value in the short term. We decided to reframe the discussion, focusing on the view that at its heart, a home isn’t really a financial investment at all, but rather an investment in the quality of your life. We called it the “True Value Of A Home” positioning. Coldwell Banker was the first real estate company to take this approach, and if you look at the work of their competitors, you’ll find that eventually, the rest of the industry followed along. The result? Ace Metrix ranked Coldwell Banker the #1 most effective real estate advertising for 7 years in a row.


“True Value Of A Home” print/Social


Guiding You Home

No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, when you’re far from home there’s a primal pull that calls to all of us—to bring us back to the place we love more than any other. Our goal was to convey the longing of wanting to be home after a long journey, or even a long day away from it. It’s a universal feeling regardless of creed, color or background. It lives in all of us, this desire to come home. To convey this sentiment, we used one of the world’s most seminal songs on the subject, Simon & Garfunkel’s masterpiece, “Homeward Bound.” This was the first time that this track was used in a commercial, and we employed a sing-along style to really bring through each character’s desire and joy in navigating their journey home. 


The Homes For Dogs Project

In studying homebuyers and the things that motivate them, one thing we realized was that many homeowners consider a dog an essential part of any home. Dogs are always waiting to greet you when you arrive, and are invariably happy to see you when you do. So we thought, since dogs are so important in turning a house into a home, why not create a program designed to find forever homes for shelter dogs? And thus Coldwell Banker’s Homes For Dogs Project was born. In its first year, over 10,000 dogs found forever homes across the country, and today the project is an indispensable part of how Coldwell Banker agents interact with their community.


Coldwell Banker Rebrand


The Coldwell Banker logo had been the same for over 40 years. Our agency redesigned the logo, and we created the sizzle video which played at their annual Gen Blue conference in Las Vegas to introduce the new logo to brokers and agents.


Home Traditions


This campaign focuses on the unique traditions that we all have in our respective households, whether it’s an over-the-top Halloween celebration or a simple ritual of a backyard game of catch carried through generations.


The Coldwell Banker Difference


This seller-focused campaign highlighted the unique technology, programs and services that Coldwell Banker agents can offer their clients to make selling their home as fast and painless as possible.


Miscellaneous Commercials


This little spot was a joint production with NBC, who had a made a co-promotional deal with Coldwell Banker. It was the first spot we produced for them, before we had even established the “True Value Of A Home” positioning. It was a silly Christmas themed spot, but I always liked it, so here it is.


We always wanted to make this spot, but Coldwell Banker wouldn’t pay to license all of the clips, so it never saw the light of day. I still love it though!